Episode Two: Amanda Gallegos and Janelle Astorga-Ramos
The second episode of SWOP’s 40th Anniversary Podcast features a conversation between the fierce and hardworking Amanda Gallegos and Janelle Astorga-Ramos. They talk about haunted hotels, out of town conference shenanigans and how proud they are to be a part of the SWOP family.
About the hosts:
SWOP's Mission: Working to empower our communities to realize racial and gender equality and social and economic justice.
What do we ask of our members?
To agree with the Mission Statement of SWOP
To participate in the work of the organization, which can include signing petitions, contacting elected officials, or attending community meetings
To nominate and elect members to serve on SWOP's Board of Directors. To maintain your voting rights, you must attend 1 out of 3 SWOP General Membership meetings a year, as well as attend 3 board-eligible activities. These may include community events or volunteer opportunities.
To work to further your own leadership abilities.
To recruit new members for the organization and help them learn more about SWOP.
To keep informed about SWOP's work, meeting times and locations.
To respect SWOP members, Board of Directors, staff and all communities in which the organization is active.
What are my rights as a member?
To actively participate in the work, decisions, and activities.
To vote and be heard.
To participate in discussions & decisions about our communities
To participate in training in leaders, media, public speaking, and other skills development
To have access to current, relevant, and adequate information in order to make decisions.
To run for the Board of Directors after being a member in good standing for a minimum of two years.
If you can agree with everything above, please fill out the form below.